Complexe configurator voor Salesforce CPQ

KBMax is de Super voor Verkoopsteam CPQ 

Enhance Salesforce with rules-driven productvisualisatie to close more deals

Meer dan 10.000 fans, wereldwijd!

Johns Manville
Merck Millipore
Tuff schuur

Vergroot uw concurrentievoordeel met door regels gestuurde, visuele CPQ

A full-featured rules language, 3D visualization, CAD-automatisering, and seamless integration with Salesforce creates the leading advanced end-to-end CPQ-oplossing

168% stijging van de jaarlijkse omzet

38% snellere omzet

35% toename in productie

“We were able to easily create the insanely complicated paths and configuration options for our products on Epicor CPQ platform.”

Tuff schuur

“We evaluated many different solutions and Epicor CPQ was the only one that could handle our complex requirements.”

Johns Manville

“Before Epicor CPQ, our sales team would create quotes that didn’t reflect accurate pricing or engineering rules. They needed to submit them to the engineering team multiple times with multiple reworks until they were correct.”

Merck Millipore

Gratis CPQ-bronnen

Vraag een demo van KBMax . aan

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105% toename in dealgrootte
40% verhoging van de conversieratio
26% toename in herhalingen om quota te behalen
$2,9 miljoen minder fouten