Vendite CPQ

I 10 motivi principali per scegliere Epicor per CPQ


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    Vendite CPQ ripensate con Epicor CPQ

    We’ve collected the top 10 reasons that customers tackle their CPQ sales challenges with the help of Epicor CPQ and our visual CPQ piattaforma.

    1.) Motore delle regole

    Easily handle the most complex product configurations with dynamic fields, dependent logic, and mathematical calculations. Build your manufacturing processes using our advanced CPQ rules engine.

    2.) Visualizzazione 2D e 3D

    Provide an immersive customer experience by allowing sales people, distributors, or customers to visually update product options in real-time. Allow for the easiest method of ordering and change management with visual CPQ.

    Vuoi provare una visualizzazione 3D?

    Puoi interagire con un configuratore di prodotto reale e dinamico in 3D.


    3.) Automazione end-to-end

    Digitally transform your entire sales channel by connecting it with the shop floor. Connected sales, engineering, and manufacturing processes results in a controlled configurazione del prodotto ensuring that everything can be produced with confidence.

    4.) Integrazioni

    Remove headaches with our REST API that can connect any of your business systems and processes. We make it easy to integrate with anything.

    5.) Team di servizi

    Implement CPQ sales quickly and easily with guidance, training, and support from the Epicor CPQ services team. Epicor CPQ also works with world-class SI (system integration) partners to construct your CPQ sales solution.

    6.) Esperienza omnicanale

    Sell and buy from anywhere…direct from distributors, on-site with your customer, or better yet, directly from your website. With Epicor CPQ omnichannel CPQ sales experiences are easy to centrally build and control, as well as easily differentiate for your different buying audiences.

    7.) Automazione di progettazione e produzione

    Automazione CAD generates CAD drawings during the configuration phase to speed up the sales process and relieve pressure from your engineering team. We integrate with the largest CAD platforms – SolidWorks, PTC Creo, and Autodesk. Epicor CPQ automazione della produzione genera distinte materiali e fogli singoli che vengono immediatamente inviati al tuo team di produzione.

    8.) Automazione dei documenti

    Shorten the sales cycle and increase professionalism with document automation that generates stunning proposals, quotes, BOM’s, contracts and more.

    9.) Prezzi dinamici

    Price your product as it’s configured with dynamic fields and any level of complexity for calculating real-time prices. Auto-calculate taxes, build logic-based pricing models, and leverage workflows that can automate internal approvals and discounts.

    10.) Accensione immediata

    Supporta costantemente i tuoi clienti con la nostra vera tecnologia cloud che offre uptime e scalabilità delle vendite 99,999% CPQ.

    DJ Monzyk

    DJ Monzyk

    DJ è un consulente di marketing e tecnologo di lunga data, che aiuta le aziende con la strategia di marketing e la tecnologia di marketing. Ama raccontare storie sulle tecnologie applicate e sull'impatto che ha sugli acquirenti.

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