Epicor CPQ & Salesforce Features, A Powerful CPQ System

Deliver the best buying experience imaginable 

Connect your customers to the front and back office

Allow customers to configure products visually to reduce sales cycle time and errors. Epicor CPQ uses this powerful data for downstream business and manufacturing processes.

Engage buyers with dynamic product visualization

salesforce CPQ and KBMax visual CPQ
salesforce CPQ and KBMax visual CPQ
salesforce CPQ and KBMax visual CPQ

Allow your customers to interact with your products

Embed product configuration on your website

“Learn and use this platform. It will turn your company around.”

Timberlane, Inc.

Save time with ETO automation

ETO automation Salesforce CPQ
ETO automation Salesforce CPQ
ETO automation Salesforce CPQ

Connect sales to the shop floor

Automatically generate ALL the documents

“Beyond the visualization capabilities, Epicor CPQ has excellent integrations with Salesforce, AutoCAD and Solidworks for lots of different output workflows.”

NanaWall Systems

Epicor CPQ is on Salesforce AppExchange!

Epicor CPQ is the premiere Salesforce partner, providing the “Super C” for CPQ. Visit us in AppExchange to learn more!
