We're a High Performer in G2 Crowd’s Spring 2018 CPQ Report!

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    G2 Crowd, the world’s leading business software review platform, just released their Spring 2018 CPQ Grid Report highlighting the highest rated CPQ software. We’re proud to announce that we were named a High Performer once again and included in the top 4 for both Enterprise and Mid-Market customers.

    The best CPQ Software products are determined by customer satisfaction (based on user reviews) and scale (based on market share, vendor size, and social impact) and placed into four categories on the Grid® (Leader, High Performer, Niche and Contender). KBMax was voted a Spring 2018 High Performer since we are highly rated by our users, but have not yet achieved the market share and scale of the Leader category.

    The report also compares CPQ vendors based on company size (Enterprise, Mid-Market and Small-Business). According to user reviews, KBMax was rated the third best CPQ solution for Enterprise customers (behind only Salesforce CPQ and Apttus CPQ). Our ratings for implementation, quality of support and ease of our admin are substantially higher than the majority of CPQ platforms. Based on the Spring report, 87% of our Enterprise customers found our tools easy to use, 82% said it met their business’ requirements, and 92% found it very easy to do business with us.

    The complete summary of findings for Enterprise customers can be found here.

    We were also voted the fourth best Mid-Market CPQ solution. According to our Mid-Market customers, 87% found our platform easy to use, 91% said it met their business’ requirements, and 95% found it very easy to do business with us.

    The complete summary of findings for Mid-Market customers can be found here.

    To see the full list of the top CPQ solutions you can go here.

    Lauren Habig

    Lauren Habig

    Lauren has over 13 years of marketing experience and has learned from industry experts at companies like HP and Salesforce.

    Posted in: CompanyCPQ